
Short Films

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A cake story

by Milko Yovchev

Fiction | Bulgaria | 2012 | HD | 12 min.

1997. New Year’s Eve. A man braves the cold winter night in order to bring a friend of his a cake as a gift. The cake never makes it to the receiver because it ends up in front of the door of a poor gipsy’s family.

» location: BATTAGLIA TERME, Castello del Catajo

» date: thursday 18 july



by Ainur Askarov

Fiction | Russia | 2011 | 35mm | 22 min.

The most important event in the village is the weekly screening at the local House of Culture. The main character is an ardent lover of Bollywood cinema. But it is hard to get to the screening of his favorite movie.

» location: MONSELICE, Complesso Monumentale S. Paolo

» date: sunday 21 july



by Diego Scano, Luca Zambolin

Fiction | Italy | 2013 | HD | 15 min.

Anna è una donna, con evidenti problemi relazionali, che lavora come inserviente in un albergo di una piccola località termale. Il suo piccolo mondo, impenetrabile ma equilibrato, viene sconvolto da un cambio di mansione che la costringe a rapportarsi con persone sconosciute. Conosce così un uomo, che la colpisce emotivamente e la...

» location: MONSELICE, Giardini del Castello

» date: saturday 20 july



by Carlo Sironi

Fiction | 2012 | HD | 16 min.

Alina ha venticinque anni, viene dall’Ucraina e lavora come prostituta ai margini di Roma. Jani, il ragazzino che tutti i giorni la porta sulla strada non le stacca gli occhi di dosso.

» location: BAONE, Parco delle Ginestre

» date: thursday 11 july


Cusutu N' Coddu

by Giovanni La Pàrola

Fiction | 2012 | HD | 17 min.

In un piccolo feudo siciliano, alla fine dell'800, un gruppo di contadini affamati e inferociti si rivolta contro il proprietario terriero. A dirigere la rivolta c'è Salvo, il campiere, che vuole sostituirsi al feudatario. Durante la rivolta Salvo risparmia Peppino, il sarto dell'ex padrone, perché vorrebbe...

» location: TEOLO, Passo delle Fiorine (Monte della Madonna)

» date: friday 12 july

2 Behind the mirrors

Destrás del Espejo

by Julio O. Ramos

Fiction | Peru | 2012 | HD | 12 min.

A young husband, and soon-to-be father, manages a sleazy motel with his wife. When one of the night’s customers leaves behind an unexpected mess, the husband's keen eye for opportunity and quick thinking may change their fortunes forever.

» location: TEOLO, Passo delle Fiorine (Monte della Madonna)

» date: friday 12 july

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Don't hit the ground

by Mia Spengler

Fiction | Germany | 2013 | HD | 30 min.

The 90's, a colourful decade of pop and shallowness: Fifteen year old Fila and her clique are in the middle of it. Fila is popular amongst her friends, because she is cool, sassy and loud. But so is Gülcan, which makes her a rival to Fila. When Gülcan participates in a make-over...

» location: MONSELICE, Complesso Monumentale S. Paolo

» date: sunday 21 july

drawn from memory

Drawn from memory

by Marcin Bortkiewicz

Fiction | Poland | 2011 | HD | 24 min.

Marek lives with his mother and grandmother. He is given a video camera and decides to make a non-fiction film about his Gran. She agrees, but only on condition that he fulfils her dream and lets her play a vampire in a series of home horror movies. As time...

» location: BAONE, Parco delle Ginestre

» date: thursday 11 july

escaping gravity

Escaping gravity

by Benjamin Teske

Fiction | Germany | 2012 | 35mm | 23 min.

To finally gain her father’s acceptance, transsexual Leonie decides to return masqueraded as a man to the world of her childhood: the funfair. Though even the old owner of the ghost train has something to hide.

» location: MONSELICE, Complesso Monumentale S. Paolo

» date: sunday 21 july

frozen stories (3) - small

Frozen stories

by Grzegorz Jaroszuk

Fiction | Poland | 2011 | HD | 26 min.

The film tells the story of young girl and boy who work together in the supermarket. As the worst employees of the supermarket they have been ordered to find a goal of their lives. To put this into practise they have only two days. The popular...

» location: TEOLO, Passo delle Fiorine (Monte della Madonna)

» date: friday 12 july



by Donatella Altieri

Fiction | 2012 | HD | 18 min.

Attraverso il testo mitico per eccellenza, Genesi, e ricordando l’antico rituale contadino dell’albero amico, viene raccontata l’esperienza tragica della morte di un figlio e mostrata la via delicata e silenziosa percorsa da Giovanni per superare il dolore. Così i ricordi affiorano, l’animo si placa e il pianto si fa discorso.

» location: BATTAGLIA TERME, Castello del Catajo

» date: thursday 18 july

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Il gatto del Maine

by Antonello Schioppa

Fiction | Italy | 2013 | HD | 18 min.

Nella periferia di una grande città una giovane coppia sembra condurre una vita come tante altre, una vita normale, scandita dai ritmi sereni della quotidianità. Dietro questa apparente serenità si nasconde però un mistero.

» location: MONSELICE, Giardini del Castello

» date: saturday 20 july



by Léo Favier, Schroeter Und Berger

Fiction | France | 2012 | HD | 15 min.

Are you fed up with life ? Do you feel bored by the crisis ? Is everybody here talking about the weather ? Well then, we have got something for you ! The Franco-German filmmakers Leo Favier and Schroeter und Berger offer a portrait of a small French village where the...

» location: MONSELICE, Complesso Monumentale S. Paolo

» date: saturday 20 july



by Vito Palmieri

Fiction | Italy | 2013 | HD | 10 min.

Pur essendo di poche parole, Matilde è una bambina dall'intelligenza vivace e dalla personalità spiccata. Tra i banchi di scuola, però, c'è qualcosa che sembra turbarla. Combinando le suggestioni ricevute dal suo maestro, l'interesse per gli strumenti da parrucchiera della madre e la passione per il tennis, Matilde cerca...

» location: MONSELICE, Giardini del Castello

» date: saturday 20 july

Mi Ojo Derecho 1

Mi ojo derecho

by Josecho De Linares

Fiction | Spain | 2012 | 35mm | 13 min.

Zurdo maintained a special relationship with his grandmother. Since he went away to study they have lost contact. On the last day of summer Zurdo decides to visit her with the intuition that he might not see her again.

» location: BATTAGLIA TERME, Castello del Catajo

» date: thursday 18 july



by Chema García Ibarra

Fiction | Spain | 2013 | altro | 12 min.

They say that if you put your ear to the back of his neck, you can hear the Virgin talk.

» location: MONSELICE, Complesso Monumentale S. Paolo

» date: sunday 21 july


More than two hours

by Ali Asgari

Fiction | Iran | 2013 | altro | 15 min.

It’s 3 AM, a boy and a girl are wandering in the city.they are looking for a hospital to cure the girl, but it is much harder than they thought.

» location: MONSELICE, Giardini del Castello

» date: saturday 20 july

Os vivos tambem choram (1)

Os vivos tambem choram

by Basil Da Cunha

Fiction | Switzerland | Portugal | 2012 | HDV | 30 min.

Ze is a dockworker in Lisbon. He watches enviously the ships he will never board. He dreams of leaving his wife and the slum. He has been saving money in secret to travel to Sweden. But one night he gets home to discover that his wife found his savings...

» location: MONSELICE, Complesso Monumentale S. Paolo

» date: saturday 20 july



by Anh Minh Truong

Fiction | Canada | 2012 | HD | 6 min.

One night, a breakup, a silent pain. On a cold winter night, in an anonymous parking lot, a couple just broke up. As the sweet memories clash with what's left of their relationship, the former lovers will come to reveal the paradoxical nature of human emotions.

» location: BAONE, Parco delle Ginestre

» date: thursday 11 july

Stufe 3_1

Stufe drei

by Nathan Nill

Fiction | Germany | 2012 | 35mm | 25 min.

Maik just wants to get through his community service hours at the home for the disabled as quickly as possible. But he soon starts to wonder who really needs the support here – he himself, the disabled, or maybe even the social workers?34. Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis, Saarbrücken, Germany;...

» location: MONSELICE, Giardini del Castello

» date: saturday 20 july

Michel et Lou

The fugue

by Xavier Bonnin

Fiction | France | 2012 | HD | 20 min.

Simona, a woman in her forties, is presenting cheese samples in some parisian suburbs supermarket, Aubervilliers has a surprise : Out of nowhere, her ex-lover, Michel, is there, among the clients.

» location: MONSELICE, Giardini del Castello

» date: saturday 20 july

BodyPart (1)

The mass of men

by Gabriel Gauchet

Fiction | UK | 2012 | 16mm | 17 min.

Richard, an unemployed 55-year-old, arrives 3 minutes late for his appointment at a job centre. An advisor, stifled by the limits of the system she works in, has no choice but to penalise him for his tardiness. To avoid plunging further into destitution, Richard takes desperate measures.

» location: MONSELICE, Complesso Monumentale S. Paolo

» date: saturday 20 july