

Ancestral delicatessen (1)

Ancestral delicatessen

by Gabriel Folgado

Documentary | Spain | 2012 | HD | 15 min.

“All that exists is made of time, from the galaxies to chestnuts; only the rhythm changes", José María Merino “LA SIMA”

» location: MONSELICE, Complesso Monumentale S. Paolo

» date: sunday 21 july


Another day on terrace

by Lin Sternal

Documentary | Germany | 2013 | HD | 46 min.

Schwedt, a city in Eastern Germany. The turnaround came and the people went. Otherwise not much has changed. Who is left has a dog. But the man's best friend can not talk. Therefore, it is not Jerry, who wants another day on the terrace, but his owner Ruth investigated...

» location: ROVOLON, Az. Ag. La Costigliola

» date: saturday 13 july

As She Left dark trees

As she left

by Alexandra Kandy Longuet

Documentary | Belgium | 2012 | HD | 38 min.

Like the need to get lost when what mattered most is lost. Like the need to rebuild a new world when everything around is a heap of ruins. Like the ghosts who live together with the living. New Orleans, Louisiana: one day was enough for Katrina to wipe out...

» location: ROVOLON, Az. Ag. La Costigliola

» date: sunday 14 july

still 2bridge

Endless day

by Anna Frances Ewert

Documentary | Germany | 2012 | 16mm | 10 min.

For most people sleep comes naturally but for some the night turns into an ongoing struggle to drift off into oblivion. This film explores what it’s like to be awake against one's will and the feelings that accompany the passing of time.

» location: MONSELICE, Complesso Monumentale S. Paolo

» date: saturday 20 july

Screen 01

Esercizi di sopravvivenza

by Enrico Casagrande

Documentary | Italy | 2013 | HD | 13 min.

Trilly e Siggio hanno iniziato da qualche anno una attività di produzione di miele facendo del "do it yourself" la loro filosofia di lavoro: costruiscono le arnie recuperando il legno difettoso, curano le api senza affidarsi a veterinari, smielano e confezionano le loro varietà di miele in vasetti di...

» location: ROVOLON, Az. Ag. La Costigliola

» date: saturday 13 july


Il limite

by Rossella Schillaci

Documentary | Italy | 2013 | HD | 55 min.

La vita quotidiana dell’equipaggio di un peschereccio d'altura siciliano diventa specchio del presente e della crisi, che produce effetti sull’intera esistenza dei pescatori, confinati per lunghi mesi tra la stiva ed il ponte. La Priamo sta rientrando a Mazara del Vallo e l'equipaggio si prepara a riabbracciare i familiari...

» location: BAONE, Parco delle Ginestre

» date: thursday 11 july

BodyPart 01

L'ora blu

by Stefano Cattini

Documentary | Italy | 2012 | HDV | 67 min.

La paziente e ostinata costruzione di un’intima utopia da parte di una coppia che decide di trasferirsi nella Maremma Toscana. Irma – volitiva e impetuosa – ha un piano ambizioso e bizzarro, Ilario – riflessivo e creativo - un po’ per sfida e un po’ per amore, è disposto...

» location: MONSELICE, Complesso Monumentale S. Paolo

» date: saturday 20 july

7 carroarmato

Materia oscura

by Massimo D'Anolfi e Martina Parenti

Documentary | Italy | 2013 | HD | 80 min.

Materia oscura, racconta un luogo di guerra in tempo di pace. Lo spazio del film è il Poligono Sperimentale del Salto di Quirra dove per oltre cinquanta anni i governi di tutto il mondo hanno testato "armi nuove" e dove il governo italiano ha fatto brillare i vecchi arsenali...

» location: ROVOLON, Az. Ag. La Costigliola

» date: saturday 13 july


Nadea e Sveta

by Maura Delpero

Documentary | Italy | 2012 | HD | 62 min.

Come molte donne moldave, Nadea e Sveta sono emigrate in Italia per ragioni economiche. Le loro famiglie sono rimaste in Moldavia: Nadea ha lasciato figli ormai grandi, mentre Sveta ha dovuto affidare alla nonna la sua bimba di tre anni. Due amiche moldave, un lavoro in Italia, gli affetti...

» location: BATTAGLIA TERME, Castello del Catajo

» date: thursday 18 july

Spring summer fall (1)

Spring summer fall

by Piotr Zlotorowicz

Documentary | Poland | 2012 | HD | 15 min.

A story about Amish family who years before had settled in a foreign land. Guided by the singular and attentive regard of the director, we share a brief moment of their life. The delicate photography shows us characters in an authentic relationship with nature and god.

» location: ROVOLON, Az. Ag. La Costigliola

» date: sunday 14 july

The Trip - photo 1

The trip

by Bartosz Kruhlik

Documentary | Poland | 2011 | HD | 15 min.

A 13-year old Asia goes on an excursion with her grandfather. Grandpa teaches her how to drive a scooter, shows her the beauty of nature. He's got also something to tell her...

» location: ROVOLON, Az. Ag. La Costigliola

» date: saturday 13 july


The turtle's rage

by Pary El-Qalqili

Documentary | Germany | 2012 | HD | 70 min.

When I was 12 years old my father left us to return to Palestine. His dream to build a house and pursue the fight for freedom in Palestine failed when he was expelled by the Israelis. Suddenly he was back in Berlin, ringing at our front door. My mother...

» location: ROVOLON, Az. Ag. La Costigliola

» date: sunday 14 july

3 days of freedom (2)

Three days of freedom

by Lukasz Borowski

Documentary | Poland | 2011 | HD | 27 min.

The world seen from the perspective of the main protagonist makes us realize how easily people become accustomed to the changing reality. After 15 years behind the prison walls, Piotr goes on his first leave. He is entitled to three days of freedom, which turn out to be very...

» location: ROVOLON, Az. Ag. La Costigliola

» date: sunday 14 july

Pod Niebem_Still_01

Under one sky

by Christopher Stoeckle

Documentary | Germany | 2012 | HD | 11 min.

Every year, thousands of East European laborers travel to Germany to help with the harvest. For three months of the year they set up their lives far away from their own homes. "Under one sky" (Pod Niebem) explores this tension and the laborers' resulting emotions with a sense of poetry. In the...

» location: ROVOLON, Az. Ag. La Costigliola

» date: sunday 14 july