
The turtle's rage

by Pary El-Qalqili

Documentary | Germany | 2012 | HD | 70 min.

italian subtitles by EMM

sunday 14 july
ROVOLON, Az. Ag. La Costigliola

When I was 12 years old my father left us to return to Palestine. His dream to build a house and pursue the fight for freedom in Palestine failed when he was expelled by the Israelis. Suddenly he was back in Berlin, ringing at our front door. My mother looked at him, did not say a word and let him in. Now he spends his days sitting in the cellar of our small row house. Withdrawn in his turtle shell. My mother lives upstairs. They are not fighting anymore. They try not to cross each other´s path. Not a sound is to be heard. Only the creaking steps of my mother on the stairs. The whirr of the television. And my nagging questions to my father. The Turtle´s Rage tells the story of a mysterious man, whose life has been molded by flight, expulsion, life in exile and the failed return to Palestine. A torn biography which was affected tremendously by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The film is composed of a daughter’s search for answers from her father. Answers he cannot give. A road movie crossing Egypt, Palestine and Jordan. Father and daughter: Fighting at the airport. Singing with the cab drivers. Lonely nights in hotels. Negotiations at abandoned gas stations. Drinking beer in the Naqab-desert. A story traversed by many nuances, which makes it nearly impossible to think in categories like good and bad, victim and offender or black and white.


Pary El-Qalqili was born in 1982 in Berlin. Since 2006 she is studying Directing at the Documentary Department at the University of Television and Film Munich. She holds a Bachelor‘s degree in Cultural Sciences from the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt Oder. For her short film “The Calm Before the Storm“, she received the STARTER FILMPRIZE of the city of Munich in 2009. “The Turtle´s Rage“ is her first feature documentary. Filmography: Eisblumen (as AD, 30min, 2010), Ruhe im Kopf (15min, 2009), Angstkommen (1min, 2008), Josip (7min, 2007).

Pary El-Qalqili
Pary El-Qalqili
Silvia Wolken
Aline László
Ulrike Tortora
Musa El-Qalqili
Kaissar Film
University of TV and Film Munich, Tina Janker,