Bene’s Horizon

by Jumi Yoon, Eloic Gimenez

2016 | HD | 13 min.

Date saturday 1 july

Location Giardini del Castello - ESTE (PD), via Giuseppe Garibaldi

In the African rainforest, Bene is a child who survives under the rule of bloodthirsty hunters. But one day, after he meets a baby gorilla, it becomes his turn to be hunted.


Jumi Yoon • Born on August 25, 1981 in Jeju, South Korea Biography: Born in South Korea, Jumi Yoon graduated from two French animation schools: EESI in Poitiers in 2009, and La Poudrière in Valence in 2011. Since then, she worked as an animator on many short films and TV productions. Filmography: “Tale of Facts” (2011, La Pourdrière graduation film), “Vane” (2010, EESI graduation film). Eloic Gimenez • Born on March 29th, 1982 in Suresnes, France Biography: Eloic Gimenez graduated from two French animation schools: EMCA in Angoulême in 2005, and La Poudrière in Valence in 2007. Since then, he worked as an animator on many films and TV productions. Filmography: “Week-end ?” (26x2min, project of a TV serie), “La Recyclerie” (stop motion, commissioned film, 2014), “Happy meeting” (cut outs, 2007, La Pourdrière graduation film), “Double Sigh” (cut outs, 2005, EMCA graduation film).

Jumi Yoon, Eloic Gimenez
Jumi Yoon, Eloic Gimenez
Patricia Valeix, Jumi Yoon, Eloic Gimenez
Sara Sponga
Catherine Aladenise
Keyvan Chemirani
Trois Fois Plus
Trois Fois Plus