30 giugno - 17 luglio, 2016 Colli Euganei, Padova


by Till Nowak

2015 | HD | 17 min.

Date friday 8 july

Location Passo delle Fiorine (Monte della Madonna) - TEOLO (PD), via Monte della Madonna

Who owns reality? Who defines where fantasy begins? A genius musician lives a lonely life in a surreal, floating world. He plays the piano every day in a gigantic concert hall, but there is nobo-dy to listen. One day his animated world collap-ses and reality breaks out. He misses his daugh-ter and wants to visit her, but her mother doesn‘t allow it. The film seamlessly transforms from an animation into a live action drama, reflecting the journey from the psychotic mind of a poor street musician into the real world. He only has one wish: To play for his daughter, which he is not allowed to visit any more.


Till Nowak is a digital artist, designer and filmmaker, born in 1980. Since 1999 Till works as a professional computer graphics artist on his own independent projects and as an efficient one-man-production-company for high profile clients. Till graduated 2005 in media design at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany. He is now based in Hamburg. Tills work has been exhibited in hundreds of inter-national film festivals, featured in books and at SIGGRAPH 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2011 and was awarded with more than 60 awards, for example in Annecy, Moscow, Aspen and at the AFI Fest Hollywood. Besides his studio work Till has given lectures about his workflows in internatio-nal events, such as universities in Korea, Germany and Australia, at the 361° conference in Mumbai and the NIFFF in Neuchatel and worked as jury member in various film festivals.

Till Nowak
Till Nowak
Till Nowak
Till Nowak, Philipp Hahn
Olaf Taranczewski, Frank Zerban
Roland Schupp (Pianist), Hannah Heine (Daughter), Nina Petri (Mother), Klaus Zehrfeld (Doctor), Mirko Thiele (Narrator/Mr. Lori)