30 giugno - 17 luglio, 2016 Colli Euganei, Padova

The Ballad of Emma Plummhoff

by Barbara Kronenberg

2015 | 35mm | 29 min.

Date friday 8 july

Location Passo delle Fiorine (Monte della Madonna) - TEOLO (PD), via Monte della Madonna

While the 8th grader Ella faces a decisive math exam, which determines if she will be promoted to next grade, she dreams of last summer: love lessons of her grotesque ballet teacher, private tutoring by a know-it-all 7th grader, her first kiss and permanently annoying parents. An entertaining insight into the spring awakening of Ella Plummhoff.


*Barbara Kronenberg was born in Bochum, Germany. After completing her high school diploma, she worked as a web developer. From 2005 to 2009, she studied Media Production at the Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, where she found her passion for film and started to realize her own projects as director and screenwriter. Since 2010, she has been studying at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. “The Ballad of Ella Plummhoff” is her graduation film. FILMOGRAPHY (selection) 2015 DIE BALLADE VON ELLA PLUMMHOFF (short, 29 min., screenplay, directing) 2012 BRUNOS BARBER SHOP (short, 8 min., screenplay, directing, editing) 2012 KLEINE WÜNSCHE (with Benjamin Moreno, social spot, 45 sec, screenplay, directing, editing) 2010 NICHT HEUTE (short, 9 min., screenplay, directing) 2008 MAGNUS (short, 5 min., screenplay, directing) 2008 LIKÖRCHEN (short, 13 min., screenplay, directing)

Barbara Kronenberg