
Profughi a Cinecittà

by Marco Bertozzi

Documentary | Italy | 2011 | Digital Beta | 61 min.

saturday 14 july
TORREGLIA, Villa dei Vescovi

The film chronicles the transformation undergone by Cinecittà in the years 1943 to 1950, through the Nazi occupation, the creation of a refugee camp by the Allies and, finally, the emergence of the so-called "Hollywood on the Tiber".

After being a concentration camp for nine hundred men rounded up in the neighborhood of Quadraro, October 16, 1943 Cinecittà was looted by the Nazis and 16 freight cars loaded with cine-equipment leaving Rome, eight to Germany, and eight for the Republic of Salò. In January 1944 the studios were bombed by the Allies, in one of 50 bombings that hit Rome.

On June 6, 1944 the "cinema city" has been requisitioned dall'Allied Control Commission to ensure the housing of thousands of refugees created by war. A modern cinema complex, though deeply wounded, is converted into refugee camps: on one hand the homeless Italians, on the other, rigidly separated, an international camp. Cinecittà was indeed the destination for refugees from the stories and sacrifices very different from the thousands of displaced were children of Italian colonists in Libya, Julian-Dalmatian exiles, displaced by the bombing of Monte Cassino and Rome, many Jews interned and returned from concentration camps ...

Those observed at Cinecitta displaced refugees live, leaving out the story directly from their memories, seeing them move in today's Cinecitta, the studios and corridors between sets of reality far removed from those recycled then to secure a modicum of protection. Unearthing the memory, a page tells you almost unknown in our history and our cinema.


It is part of the group of authors who, in recent years has contributed to the rebirth of Italian documentary with a strong theoretical commitment (his books like "The view of Lights" and "The documentary idea"), realization (with award-winning films like "notes from Rome "), teaching (at the Experimental Center of Cinematography, the DAMS of Rome 3, University of Macerata and at the IUAV of Venice) and cultural promotion (with Villa Medici - French Academy, the Italian Documentary Association, the Solinas prize, the audiovisual Archives of the labor movement).

After studying architecture in Florence, doctorate and post-doctorate in Film (University of Bologna, Paris and Rome Tre 8) has made documentaries on issues of urban imaginaries and cultural identities. Among his latest works: "Lampedusa Italy Rimini" (2004, Roberto Gavioli prize for best film on the job), "The sense of others" (2007, winner of the International Documentary Festival in Palermo on the Mediterranean), "in Predappio light "(2008, presented at the International Film Festival in Rome and winner dell'Asolo Art Film Festival - section Architecture and Design - in 2009).

Marco Bertozzi
Marco Bertozzi, Noa Steimatsky
Ezio Gamba
Angelo Musciagna
Giorgio Fabbri Casadei
voice: Noa Steimatsky
Vivo Film in collaborazione con Cinecittà Luce
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