tuesday 29 july
Azienda Agricola Monte Fasolo - CINTO EUGANEO (PD), via Monte Fasolo, 2 come arrivare
ore 21.30
Proiezione film in concorso
Degustazione di vini dell’Azienda Agricola Monte Fasolo.
In case of bad weather: la proiezione si svolgerà al coperto in una sala interna.
by Stéphane Moukarzel
Drammatico | Canada | 2013 | 35mm | 18 min.
Montreal, 1999. Like every sunday, a modest Pakistani immigrant family picnics in a dead-end next to the Airport, closely watching planes land. On this special day where the Legendary Concord is expected - a rare treat in town- Akram (17 years old), the eldest son of 3 kids, deeply...
by Kesang Tseten
Documentary | Nepal | 2012 | HD | 75 min.
Britain began recruiting Nepalis 200 years. Gurkhas, famous for wielding a curved khukuri knife, have seen numerous wars. 200,000 fought in two world wars; 50,000 were killed.
Though paid meagrely, Gurkha income and pension has helped thrust Nepal’s economy. Today, paid manifold times better, Nepalis continue to be lured to...
Materiale stampa
Poster EFF 2014.pdf (0,9 MB)
Program EFF 2014.pdf (2,1 MB)
Catalog EFF 2014.pdf (3,5 MB)

Illustration by Nadia Pillon