saturday 5 july
Teatro Filodrammatici - ESTE (PD), via Calle della Musica, 13 come arrivare
ore 15.00 / 18.00
Lego contro Pongo!
Laboratorio di animazione a passo uno dove si creeranno epiche battaglie tra minacciosi bionicle e mostri multiforma!
Il laboratorio è tenuto dalla regista Francesca Ferrario.
maggiori dettagli sui laboratori
ore 17.00
Proiezione Cortometraggi d'animazione in concorso
by Eva Mendes, Joana De Rosa, Sara Augusto
Animation | Portogallo | 2013 | HD | 5 min.
As told by herself, this is the story of a little girl whose best friends are cats... Based on a true story.
by Daniel Sousa
Fantasy | Stati Uniti d'America | 2012 | HD | 13 min.
A wild boy is found in the woods by a solitary hunter and brought back to civilization. Alienated by a strange new environment, the boy tries to adapt by using the same strategies that kept him safe in the forest.
by César Esteban Alenda, José Esteban Alenda
Animation | Spagna | 2013 | HD | 6 min.
The relationship between Javier and Anna runs out of gas. She hits the brakes and Javier is dragged by inertia until he learns to get over it.
by Markus Berger e Evelyn Rendl
Biografico | Austria | 2013 | HD | 6 min.
Five people tell stories about games they used to play as a child. Snippets from those conducted interviews serve es an initial point for the film. "Replay" is an attempt to visually interpret those interview contents. It does so by using a mix of analogue and digital 2d...
by Wanichaya Phraejunya
Drammatico | Tailandia | 2014 | HD | 9 min.
Nine is a haunting tale of innocence lost as the Grey Cat, afraid of losing his final life, makes a deal with the devil and gets much more than he bargained for, and loses even more along the way.
by Ana Nedeljkovic and Nikola Majdak Jr.
Fantasy | Serbia | 2013 | HD | 7 min.
Brainless Rabbits live in Rabittland, a perfect world ordered according to the most successful examples of war zones, ghettos and slums. They are intensively pink, have holes in their heads instead of brains, and they are happy regardless of what happens to them. They are the highest stage the...
by Tom Gasek and Miki Cash
Musicale | Regno Unito | 2013 | altro | 4 min.
Ain't No Fish is a short stop motion animated film that is set to the music and lyrics of Sigman and Russell and performed by Hoagy Carmichael. It's an 'easy-go-lucky' song about fishing and why 'Some Days There Just Ain't No Fish'. Animated seals in the Arctic sing the...
by Yuval and Merav Nathan
Animation | Israele | 2014 | HD | 3 min.
This music video for Efrat Ben Zur's song suggests a visual interpretation to Emily Dickenson's poem. the video sets in a fragile organic world in which flowers and creatures wobbling between life and death, between blooming and withering.
The video was created using real plants over black velvet.
by Kiana Naghshineh
Animation | Germania | 2013 | HD | 5 min.
Two brothers: The older, strong and bold, the younger, delicate and shy. But without each other, they could never get along in their environment, because they complement each other.
by Christine Hooper
Commedia | 2013 | HD | 5 min.
Four in the morning, crapped out, yawning.
by Bastien Dubois
Storico | Francia | 2013 | HD | 11 min.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” Arthur C. Clarke.
On the Papua coasts, in the middle of the Pacific War, some Papuans are looking for the magnanimity of the Cargo god elaborating a new ritual.
ore 18.00
Film a sorpresa di Bill Plympton
Giardini del Castello - ESTE (PD), via Giuseppe Garibaldi come arrivare
ore 21.30
Proiezione Cortometraggi d'animazione in concorso
In case of bad weather: Teatro Filodrammatici - ESTE (PD), via Calle della Musica, 13.
by Moritz Mugler, Nicolai Maderthoner
Animation | Germania | 2013 | HD | 3 min.
A duel in a town made of strings.
by Robert Löbel
Animation | Germany | 2013 | HD | 4 min.
"WIND" is a short animation about the daily routine life in a windy country.
WIND is an animated short about the daily life of people living in a windy area who seem helplessly exposed to the weather. However, the inhabitants have learned to deal with their difficult living conditions. The...
by Péter Vácz
Fantasy | Ungheria | 2013 | 35mm | 16 min.
The friendship of Rabbit and Deer is put to the test by Deer's new obsession to find the formula for the 3rd dimension...
by Julia Gromskaya
Sentimentale | 2013 | HD | 4 min.
La bambina e il ramarro, la neve e la memoria.
by Francesco Aber e Alessandro Mattei
Animation | 2014 | 35mm | 7 min.
Nella meravigliosa cornice delle Alpi, uno straordinario documentario alla scoperta del Petramosaurus Cavator. L'incredibile ciclo della vita di questa meravigliosa specie, con particolare attenzione al suo rapporto con l'uomo e con il nostro pianeta.
by Paola Luciani e Fabio Testa
Animation | 2014 | HDV | 5 min.
Un incontro favorito dalle ombre che si muovono in un ritmo diverso da quello dei due protagonisti.
by Simone Massi
Animation | 2013 | DigiBeta | 5 min.
A ridosso del maggio '44 sul Monte Sant'Angelo una casa s'addormenta e prende a sognare.
ore 23.00
by Bill Plympton
Animazione | USA | 2013 | 76 min.
Jake ed Ella si innamorano dopo un bizzarro incidente su un autoscontro. L'idillio amoroso della coppia viene però messo a rischio dall'entrata in scena del sentimento della gelosia. Attraverso l'aiuto di un mago, Ella cercherà di raddrizzare il proprio destino, prendendo le sembianze delle numerose donne di Jake.
Materiale stampa
Poster EFF 2014.pdf (0,9 MB)
Program EFF 2014.pdf (2,1 MB)
Catalog EFF 2014.pdf (3,5 MB)

Illustration by Nadia Pillon