Komm und spiel

by Daria Belova

Drammatico | Germany | 2013 | HD | 30 min.

Date saturday 19 july

Location Palazzo della Loggetta - MONSELICE (PD), via del Santuario, 6

komm und spiel

Berlin. Grisha, a Russian-German boy, fools around with a wooden stick toygun. The longer he plays, the further he is thrust into an altered reality. The boundaries between the past and the present, the real and the surreal, start to blur. Images from bygone Berlin appear; streets and buildings still carry the memories of war. Suddenly, he is caught in a nightmare of another lifetime, nightmare that is still present today. “Come & Play” is a film about the memory of a place. Time does not disappear and the past does not go away. Everything coexists in one moment.


Daria Belova was born in 1982 in St. Petersburg, Russia. She studied Russian literature and language in St. Petersburg State University. After the university, Daria worked as a journalist and a deputy editor for magazines in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In 2008, Daria moved to Berlin and enrolled in German Film and TV Academy (dffb, Berlin) where she is currently a student in film direction. Daria makes films and video art. EXPERIENCE AS A DIRECTOR 2013: KOMM UND SPIEL (COME AND PLAY); 2011: BALLET STORY.

Daria Belova
Daria Belova
Daria Belova
Max Preiss
Stefanie Kosik
Chatschatur Kanajan
DFFb, german film and television academy berlin
DFFb, german film and television academy berlin, potsdamerstr. 2, 10785 berlin