friday 4 july

Giardini del Castello - ESTE (PD), via Giuseppe Garibaldi come arrivare

ore 21.30

Proiezione Cortometraggi d’animazione in concorso

In case of bad weather: Teatro Filodrammatici - ESTE (PD), via Calle della Musica, 13.

the sea


by Zofia Dabrowska

Sentimentale | Polonia | 2013 | altro | 5 min.

The short story about a fisherman, who was not appreciated the sea.
Begger Selection

The beggar

by Mohammad Reza Gholami

Commedia | Afghanistan | 2013 | HD | 4 min.

The story of two beggars who are competing to get the money together.
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Wedding cake

by Viola Baier

Commedia | Germany | 2013 | altro | 8 min.

Two marzipan figures come to life on top of a wedding cake and start to sculpt the perfect marriage out of cake icing. And success! Everything seems sweet and perfect: they try to please each other and make each other happy. But discontent soon sours the atmosphere. At first,...

The gift

by Julio Pot

Commedia | Cile | 2013 | HD | 8 min.

The story of an ordinary couple, when he gives her a small sphere pulled out his chest, she can't separate herself from her new gift… even after they break up.


by Niv Shpigel, Robert Moreno

Drammatico | Israele | 2014 | HD | 9 min.

A man is sinking under the weight of his own memories. To survive, he must confront the question: Is our past more important than life? What would we give up in order to keep on going?

Dji. Death Fails

by Dmitri Voloshin

Commedia | Moldavia | 2012 | HD | 4 min.

Dji is an unusual death. The Dark Knight has appeared in a different form. No, he is not white and fluffy. Dji is just terribly unlucky. All he has to do is to take the soul of a dying man. But the screenwriters prepared some obstacles for Dji. Will...

The magnificient lion boy

by Ana Caro

Drammatico | Regno Unito | 2013 | HD | 11 min.

Whilst leading an expedition to Africa, anthropologist Leonard Orlov discovers a feral child living a brutal and primitive existence. Horrified, he brings the creature back to Victorian London, intent on civilizing the child.

Imperium vacui

by Linda Kelvink e Massimo Ottoni

Drammatico | 2014 | altro | 5 min.

In un futuro distopico un uomo tenta la sua lotta contro un regime che ha perso ogni traccia di umanità, ma anche la rivolta sembra inquadrata nel meccanismo e chi vi si oppone non può fare altro che il gioco del potere.
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The man who was forever haunted by his head

by Claudio Sichel

Musicale | 2013 | HD | 6 min.

Videoclip nato dalla collaborazione con la band indie rock inglese 'The Doppler Shift', basato sul testo della canzone "The Man Who Was Forever Haunted by His Head" (L'uomo che è sempre stato ossessionato dalla sua testa).

Premier automne

by Carlos De Carvalho & Aude Danset

Fantasy | Francia | 2013 | HD | 11 min.

Abel lives in the winter and Apolline lives in the summer. Isolated in their "natures", they never met each other. They are not even supposed to meet. So when Abel crosses the border and discovers Apolline, curiosity is overwhelming. Their encounter soon becomes more complicated than they could imagine....
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Homo homini bisonte

by Emanuele Simonelli, Astutillo Smeriglia

Animation | 2013 | HD | 8 min.

Il curioso comportamento di quegli animali dalla stazza poderosa, abituati a vivere in branchi e a correre avanti e indietro per tutta la vita senza nessuno scopo apparente: gli esseri umani.


by Haner Gu

Drammatico | Corea del Sud | 2013 | HD | 9 min.

A man with two eggs instead of his eyes. Although his eyes were awkward as it sounds, that man was mostly satisfied with portraying the world through egg spheres. It changes with a whimp. With a slight glance of a dairy shop(egg shop) girl, his blushed face tempered his egg eyes...


by Masanobu Hiraoka

Animation | Giappone | 2013 | HD | 4 min.

Abstraction and metamorphoses.
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by Gavin Hoffman

Thriller | Eire | 2013 | HD | 4 min.

A man is seeking help to come to terms with his past actions. He is haunted by what he has been a part of and opens up about the nature of his complicity. However time is running out to make things right. Complicit is a film...


by Ivana Sebestova

Drammatico | Slovacchia | 2013 | HD | 18 min.

A short film about a woman waiting for her love, about a man who looks for a perfect snowflake in far-away countries and about snow which conceals and melts dreams.